
If you've lost access to your Phantom wallet, whether you've lost your password or a part of your seed phrase - We can help you decrypt your wallet and recover your funds.

All we need to begin the recovery process is your wallet file along with a list of your best guesses for the password.

Fill in the form to start the recovery process, once we get some initial details from you we will contact you back for more information ➔

How to recover your Phantom Wallet

Phantom Wallet is an easy to use, closed source Solana wallet focused mainly on UX and UI, also allowing users to use and transfer their NFTs on the Solana network.

Phantom is a browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Brave.

Need help recovering your coins from your Phantom wallet?

We have special software and hardware to help recover your lost Phantom password in case you forgot it. We've helped many recover their Phantom wallets and we can help you too.

Locating your encrypted Phantom backup

To begin the recovery process, you will be required to send us your encrypted phantom backup. The encrypted backup appears in a log file within the browser extension directory. The file name varies but usually looks similar to 00003.log and can be found in the following path:

C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\bfnaelmomeimhlpmgjnjophhpkkoljpa\

If you're unsure on the exact file required, please ZIP compress the entire directory and send it over to us for inspection.

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